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Ken Danter

Watercolour Artist

Ken is a watercolor artist with roots in the out-of-doors. Extended backpacking and canoeing throughout the West and Canada have included many “solo” adventures. Spending time “under canvas” provided the opportunity to be a “participant” rather than just an “observer”. Eventually, it was manifested in Ken’s love of painting.
For over twenty years, Ken traveled the U.S. attending cutting horse events, achieving modest success with his horse, Jake, However, a wonderfully rewarding by-product was to see the West through different eyes. Spending time on working ranches in Wyoming, Colorado, Utah, and Texas has given him a unique perspective on the modern West.
Painting was a natural outgrowth of his experiences with people and places of the world. A good pair of hiking boots, a backpack, a canoe paddle, or a horse provided enough material to keep his brush busy for a lifetime.

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